Website Design: Pro tips for designing websites in 2021

Tips for website design 2021 - - Best marketing and branding solutions in GTA Toronto

Pro Tips For Website Designing:

The world wide web is a collection of trillions of webpages each of which is built with the purpose to stand out and be interesting for the viewer. Web designers are the people behind the beautiful web pages we see on the internet and it isn’t easy to design something that keeps the website visitor engaged and interested. Every designer has a different take on the design and a unique approach, however, it is more about the visitors and not the designers. 

  • Consistency is the key:

    It has been proven that a consistent website design keeps the visitors engaged in a positive way. Keep the overall look of your website design consistent throughout all of the pages such as colour schemes, fonts, etc.

  • Make it easy to navigate:

    Nothing annoys visitors more when they can’t find the desired page on a website easily because it is stacked up in those complex sub-menus. One of the most important things to keep in mind while designing a website is its ability to be navigated through. Ask yourself, are all the necessary links clearly visible? Are the labels for pages and posts accurate? 

  • Differentiate between visited links and unvisited links:

    When users visit the website, they may click on several links, and it is normal to forget which links they’ve already visited. To save them from that mental strain, give the visited links a different colour than the unvisited links.

  • Make your pages skim friendly:

    People on the internet barely have the time to read everything your website says. Almost every user just simply skims through the website until they find what they’re looking for. Be sure to place content on your website in the form of small easy to read blocks as opposed to a big chunk of text. Try to show important information with a little more visual touch.

  • Take content seriously:

    A website design without a properly structured and relevant copy of the content is like a heart without a heartbeat. Avoid using complex sentences and use easy to understand and modern language, something that people can relate to.

  • Scan the website for errors:

    This is more of a maintenance part. With time as your website grows, it is essential to look back and see if there are any dead links or errors affecting the website. Be on the lookout for typos, dead links, code errors, website design incompatibility issues on certain devices, etc.

  • Don’t give users too many options:

    When you give your users a long list of options, it actually does more harm than good. Having a lot of options in front of them makes people think more, and when they think more, they’re less likely to make a solid decision.

  • Encourage visitors to scroll:

    Design the top part of your web page in such a way that it makes the visitor curious or willing to scroll down and see what the rest of the page has to offer. Most people usually start to scroll when they land on the page right away but keep in mind, what they see first sets their first impression of your website.

  • Label elements relevantly:

    One of the important things to follow while developing a user-friendly website design is to label things properly. Try using modern and human language instead of technical language. 

  • Make it responsive:

    In today’s world, a website that isn’t responsive is simply considered unprofessional and unacceptable. People have devices with varying screen sizes which is why it is necessary to make your website responsive. What it means is that your website should be able to change the layout or positioning of elements based on the size of the screen in order to provide the optimal user experience.

Are you looking for an easy to update and maintain website for yourself or your business? Contact us now and discuss your requirements. Give us a call at (416) 288-8661 or visit our office located at 24 Ronson Dr, Unit 1, Etobicoke, ON, M9W1B4 to speak to one of our developers.

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