Top 5 SEO Myths to Say Goodbye to in 2021

SEO Myths-website ranking-2021

SEO myths debunked for your website ranking

“No website can stand without a strong backbone, and that backbone is technical SEO.”

Ranking in Google’s topmost search result has become a primary and essential practice for any business. With time, the demand and the value of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has escalated. But with algorithms changing every day, the SEO industry is bound to fluctuate. With the growing popularity of SEO, it has given a rise to multiple SEO myths and misconceptions.

Did you know?  93% of all online experiences begin on a search engine. Source – Search Engine Journal

There are higher chances of traffic and website ranking getting affected due to SEO myths. Therefore, to get the best results from your SEO tactics for your business, you need to stop believing in the myths surrounding it. Read through to know how to create a reliable SEO strategy for 2021:

SEO Myths #1 – Meta descriptions play a crucial role in ranking

Many believe that because meta descriptions appear on the featured snippets of Google, therefore, they are the driving force for the website ranking. But this is false and the biggest myth busted!

People think that with little content and inserting high volume keywords in the meta description, they can improve the rankings, but it is not simple. On the other hand, the meta description does have an important role to play in distinguishing your site from others and acting as an ad copy to the users for your brand. However, it impacts on clicks and not the website ranking.

SEO Myths #2 – More links are better than more content

SEO Myths - Website Ranking - Myth - More links more better than more content

SEO strategy of building links without analyzing the domain worked for many in the past. In contemporary times, it is still an important factor, but the focus is the quality of links you are obtaining. So, at times less can be more. And as it is rightly said; One home run is much better than two doubles.

The key is the ‘Quality’. Any irrelevant link is bound to get ignored and if there are multiple low-quality links, the ranking will decrease which will further lead to a low website ranking.

Fact – Links still rank in the top three most important Google ranking factors, along with content and Rank Brain. Source – Search Engine Land

In the end, Content will always be the king. If your content is effective and user-friendly, it will get a good level of engagement and the backlinks will come naturally. So, never compromise on the informative content.

SEO Myths #3 – SEO is a one-time project

SEO Myths - Website Ranking - Myth - SEO is a one time project

It is common to hear from companies and firms that getting the website optimized is a one-time job. But nothing comes easy. It is an on-going process that involves planning, strategizing, time, and a lot of hard work. You might get your results initially and halt the campaign, but as we mentioned earlier the algorithm keeps changing. Therefore, without constant improvisation, the results might fall back.

You must always keep modifying your content with time or it will become obsolete and your competitors will move ahead of you. Always remember that SEO is a long-time investment that can make and break your business if not done right.

According to SEO Tribunal, 97% of people learn more about a local company online than anywhere else.

SEO Myths #4 – More keywords can increase the website ranking

SEO Myths - Website Ranking - Myth - More keywords can increase the website ranking

Stuffing the target keywords unnecessarily on the blogs or the webpage to get higher ranking results is highly unadvisable. Using repetitive words repeatedly might disinterest the audience and look like a boring post. Even the search engine does not accept this activity and will penalize it sooner or later. So, do not be fooled by this common misconception and hamper your website traffic.

Most SEO experts believe that an ideal keyword density is around 1-2%.

SEO Myths #5 – The rank 1 position on Google can be guaranteed

If you are promised a number one spot on Google, then you should be suspicious. Google does not define any definite rankings. With an algorithm on consistent change, your website’s ranking can rise or fall. One can possibly estimate or aim the ranking based on the industry experience, but a guaranteed ranking is spam. Therefore, if an agency promises you the first rank, then it is time for you to switch.

According to Backlinko, Google uses over 200 factors in their algorithm for ranking websites.

So, here were some of the common SEO myths that you should stay away from in 2021. We often fail to understand SEO because of all the misinformation but we hope that this article helps you through in creating your SEO strategy.

In order to learn some techniques to improve your ranking, click here.

If you are a new or an existing brand and looking to get your website optimized, Branding Centres is just a call away. Connect with us at (416) 288-8661 or visit our office located at 24 Ronson Dr, Unit 1, Etobicoke, ON, M9W1B4 to speak to one of our experts.

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